4.6.3 Boiler 2 - Service
System menu
Boiler 2
Control secondary boiler variably to the target value
▪ NO: The secondary boiler is operated with the boiler
temperature that is set on the secondary boiler
▪ YES: The boiler temperature of the secondary boiler is
regulated to the target temperature specified from the
heating circuit or DHW tank.
Sensor input of backup boiler sensor
Sensor input to which the sensor for the secondary boiler
is connected.
Pump output of secondary boiler unloading
Pump outlet to which the loading pump of the secondary
boiler or the secondary boiler switch valve is connected.
Control of boiler 2 pump
Definition of control signal for pump type used.
⇨ See "PDM / 0 - 10V settings" [page 109]
Maximum speed of boiler 2 pump
If you need to limit the maximum speed of the loading
pump of the secondary boiler for systemic reasons, you
can do so by adjusting this parameter.
Invert secondary boiler isolating valve
YES: If the valve switches incorrectly, the way it is
controlled can be adjusted using this parameter.
Burner relay
▪ A: Secondary boiler is controlled according to the
program that is set
▪ 1: Secondary boiler was started manually.
▪ 0: Secondary boiler was stopped manually.
Parameters overview
Boiler 2
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 | www.froeling.com