For solar to buffer and DHW tank, the DHW tank has
▪ YES: The DHW tank is loaded until the temperature is
reached, which is set under
“Set DHW temperature
during solar charging”
, and only then switched
to the buffer tank by means of the switch valve.
▪ NO: The DHW tank is charged until the temperature
difference between the sensor on the solar collector
and the solar reference sensor in DHW tank is no
longer sufficient. The isolating valve then switches to
the buffer thank and supplies it for 20 minutes.
Afterwards the collector pump is stopped for 20 minutes
and a check is carried out to see if the temperature
difference is now sufficient for DHW tank charging.
Solar charging to which buffer tank
This parameter defines the buffer tank to which the solar
charging takes place.
Solar charging to which DHW tank
This parameter defines the DHW tank to which the solar
charging takes place.
Sensor input of solar collector sensor
Sensor input to which the collector sensor is connected.
Sensor input of solar reference storage tank top sensor
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
Sensor input to which the solar reference sensor in the top
part of the buffer tank is connected.
Sensor input of solar reference storage tank bottom sensor
Sensor input to which the solar reference sensor in the
lower part of the buffer tank is connected.
Sensor input of secondary HE Sensor flow
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
Sensor input to which the sensor at heat exchanger flow
on the secondary side is connected.
Sensor input of collector return sensor
Sensor input to which the sensor for the collector return is
Pump output of solar isolating valve
Pump outlet to which the solar isolating valve is
Pump output of storage tank – heat exchanger pump
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
Pump outlet to which the pump between the solar heat
exchanger and buffer tank is connected.
Control of storage tank – heat exchanger pump
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
Definition of control signal for pump type used.
⇨ See "PDM / 0 - 10V settings" [page 109]
Pump outlet of DHW tank – heat exchanger pump
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12
Pump outlet to which the pump between the solar heat
exchanger and DHW tank is connected.
Control of DHW tank – heat exchanger pump
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12
Definition of control signal for pump type used.
⇨ See "PDM / 0 - 10V settings" [page 109]
Invert isolating valve
Prerequisite: Solar system 3
▪ NO: The pump output, which the solar isolating valve is
connected to, is supplied with 230V when the solar
panel system supplies energy to the DHW tank solar
coil. If there is no 230V at this output, then the valve
clears the way for the buffer solar coil.
▪ YES: If the solar isolating valve switches incorrectly, the
way it is controlled can be adjusted using this
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
▪ NO: The pump output, which the solar isolating valve is
connected to, is supplied with 230V when the solar
panel system supplies energy to the top part of the
buffer tank. If there is no 230V at this output, then the
valve clears the way for the lower area of the buffer
▪ YES: If the solar isolating valve switches incorrectly, the
way it is controlled can be adjusted using this
Is a PT1000 sensor used as a solar sensor?
▪ NO: A KTY81 sensor is used as a collector sensor
▪ YES: A PT1000 sensor is used as a collector sensor
Collector pump control Kp value
Control parameter for the speed control of the collector
Collector pump control Tn value
Control parameter for the speed control of the collector
Secondary HE pumps control Kp value
Prerequisite: Hydraulic system 12 or 13
Control parameter for the speed control of the pump
between the solar heat exchanger and buffer tank, as well
as for the pump between the solar heat exchanger and
DHW tank (if installed).
Parameters overview
Service manual Lambdatronic SP 3200 for dual fuel boiler | B1460720_en