4.5.5 Boiler - General settings
System menu
Fuel selection
▪ Dry firewood: If firewood is to be burnt with a water
content (w) of less than 15%, then this setting must be
selected. A prompt message then appears to confirm
whether the specified values for the chosen fuel
selection should be adopted.
▪ Wet firewood: If firewood is to be burnt with a water
content (w) of more than 15%, then this setting must be
selected. A prompt message then appears to confirm
whether the specified values for the chosen fuel
selection should be adopted.
After firewood operation, delay buffer tank loading with
pellets about
Once the start criterion for the pellet unit has been reached
“Boiler start if difference
between boiler setpoint and top buffer is
), the pellet unit starts after the set delay time.
Abort heating up --> ID fan off, close air flaps
▪ NO: The heating up process is not aborted.
▪ YES: If the criteria for “Off” is reached, the heating up
process of the boiler can be cancelled. The air flaps
close, the induced draught fan stops.
NOTICE! In order to cancel the heating up process, the
criteria for “Off” must be fulfilled!
Current flue gas temperature lower than under “Flue gas
temperature, below which boiler switches to SHUTDOWN
Current residual oxygen content greater than under
“Residual oxygen content, above which it switches to
Remaining hours in heating mode till “ash box full” warning
Display of the remaining heating hours until the warning
“Ash box full, please empty
” appears on the
Reset the remaining heating hours until ash removal
▪ NO: The service hours counter until ash removal
warning continues to run.
▪ YES: The service hours counter is set to the value in
“Pellet feed”
under parameter
hours until ash removal warning”
Modem installed
▪ NO: The boiler does not have a modem for data
transfer installed.
▪ YES: The boiler has a modem for data transfer
Memory cycle of data logger
If the boiler is equipped with a data logger the most
important boiler data is stored on a SD card. This
parameter specifies at what intervals the recording should
be started.
Output warnings through fault message relays
▪ NO: When there is an “error” or “alarm” the common
fault relay closes.
▪ YES: In addition to an “error” or “alarm”, the common
fault relay closes when a “warning” is present on the
Which temperature scale should be used
▪ Celsius (°C): Displayed temperature values and settings
are shown in °C.
▪ Fahrenheit (°F): Displayed temperature values and
settings are shown in °F.
Always log data in °C
▪ YES: In conjunction with a data logger, all temperature
values are saved in °C.
▪ NO: In conjunction with a data logger, all temperature
values are saved in °F.
Send a line break when ASCII data output on COM2
▪ NO: When a new data set is issued it will be added to
the previous one.
▪ YES: A line break for better visualisation is sent
between the individual data sets.
Reset counter since last maintenance
▪ NO: The service hours counter since last maintenance
continues to run.
▪ YES: The service hours counter since last maintenance
is set to “0”.
The system is filled with frost protection
Parameters overview
Service manual Lambdatronic SP 3200 for dual fuel boiler | B1460720_en