100-210 IOM (
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Fault 1 : VSD Board Power Supply
Quantum: “Fault 1”
Quantum LX: “VSD Board Power Supply Fault”
This fault is set on every power-up. The fault is immediately
cleared and logged in the fault history to record the occur-
rence of the power loss.
Fault 3: VSD Interface Board Motor Current > 15%
Quantum: “Fault 3”
Quantum LX: “VSD Interface Board Motor Current > 15%”
This fault occurs whenever the Vyper
is not running and a
motor current of greater than 15 % FLA is detected for at
least ten seconds.
Fault 4: VSD Interface Board Run Signal
Quantum: “Fault 4”
Quantum LX: “VSD Interface Board Run Signal Fault”
This fault occurs if the Run Signal from the Quantum Control
Panel is high, but the speed command being sent over the
RS-485 communications link is zero. This fault may also occur
if the Run Signal is low, but the speed command is not zero.
Both conditions must be present for five seconds before the
fault is set, and are only applicable in automatic mode.
Fault 5: Interface Board Panel Communications Loss
Quantum: “Fault 5”
Quantum LX: “VSD \ Board to Panel Comms Loss”
This fault occurs when the VSD board loses communications
from the Quantum
LX Control Panel, meaning it has not
received any data for a period of fifteen seconds. This fault
is only applicable in automatic mode.
Fault 7: Vyper Initialization
Quantum: “Fault 7”
Quantum LX: “VSD Initialization Fault”
At power-up, all the b oards go through a process called ini-
tialization. At this time, memory locations are cleared, jumper
positions are checked, and serial communications links are
established. There are many causes for an unsuccessful
initialization. The following check list should aid in determining
why the initialization has not been completed:
• The Control Center and the Vyper
must be energized at
the same time. The practice of pulling the fuse in the con-
trol center to make wiring changes will create a problem.
Power-up must be done by closing the main disconnect
on the Vyper
cabinet with all fuses in place. Be sure you
do not have an open fuse, causing loss of power to the
Logic board which can cause this fault.
• The
EPROMs must be correct for each board, and they
must be correctly installed. There are a total of seven (7)
EPROMs in each Vyper
system. These EPROMs are
created as a set, and cannot be intermixed. All pins must
be properly inserted into the EPROM sockets.
Serial data must be established. (See: Serial Commu-
nication Fault” error code). If communications between
the Vyper
Logic, Filter Logic, and Interface Boards and
panel does not take place during initialization,
Fault 5 message will appear before any other message
can be generated. Check to see that the serial commu-
nications have been established by selecting the Motor
information screen verifying the drive horsepower. A zero
displayed value for this parameter (and all other Vyper
parameters) indicates a serial communications link or
EPROM problem.
• If the
Harmonic Filter option is included, make sure the
Harmonic Filter Logic board is not in continuous reset.
This will be evidenced by the LEDs on the filter logic
board alternately blinking. To rule out the Harmonic Filter
as the cause of initialization failure, disconnect the filter
by switching the filter logic board’s SW1 switch to the OFF
position, and removing the 16 wire ribbon cable between
the Harmonic Filter logic and Vyper
Logic Board.
Fault 8: Vyper - Stop Contacts
Quantum: “Fault 8 “
Quantum LX: “VSD Stop Contacts Fault “
This fault occurs if the No Fault signal from the Vyper
is low.
It indicates a fault is present at the Vyper
or the Harmonic
Filter, but the communications data contains no Vyper
data for twenty seconds. The Frick Interface Board will send
Initialize data requests while this fault is active.
Whenever the Vyper
initiates a fault, the Vyper
first opens
the K1 relay on the Vyper
Logic board. When the relay
opens, the voltage between wire #53 and #16 will be 115
VAC. I f wire #53 to #16 circuit ever opens without receiving an
accompanying cause for the trip over the serial link (within 11
communication tries, approximately 22 seconds), this Fault
Code will be displayed. A loose wire is often the cause of
this problem. Check the #1 to #53 horseshoe jumper in the
Control Center and all other wiring involving #53 and #16.
This fault may be replaced with a Serial Communications
fault if the serial link has failed.
Fault 9: Harmonic Filter - Logic Board Or Communications
Quantum: “Fault 9 “
Quantum LX: “Harmonic Filter Logic Board or Comms Fault “
This fault occurs if the No Fault signal from the Vyper™ is low,
indicating a fault is present at the Vyper™ or the Harmonic
Filter, but the communications data contains no Harmonic
Filter fault data for twenty seconds. The Frick Interface Board
will send Initialize data requests while this fault is active.
This Fault Code can also occur as a background message
when the chiller is running. When this message is displayed,
all filter related values are unavailable. If communications
is reestablished, normal values will again be displayed. If
this problem is encountered, the ribbon cable connecting
the Vyper™ Logic board to the Filter Logic board should be
checked. The integrity of the shielded communications cable
between the filter logic board and the interface board should
also be checked. Finally, replacement of either the filter logic
board or the Vyper™ Logic board should be tried.