This item enables a user to select wake up events. Press "Enter" to choose
whether a specified event can wake up a system from suspend mode or
not ; events include "VGA", "LPT &COM", "HDD & FDD", "PCI Mster",
"PowerOn by PCI Card", "Wake Up On LAN/Ring", "RTC Alarm Resume",
"Primary INTR", and "IRQs Activity Monitoring".
When this item enabled, you can set VGA to awaken the system.
The default is Off.
When LPT & COM stays On, any activity from one of
the listed system peripheral devices or IRQs wakes up the system. The
default is LPT/COM.
When HDD & FDD stays On, any activity from one of
the listed system peripheral devices wakes up the system. The default
is ON.
PCI Master:
When PCI Master stays On, any activity from one of the
listed system peripheral devices wakes up the system.
Power-On by PCI Card:
This item enables/disables the power on
function of PCI Card. The default is Disabled.
Wake Up On LAN/Ring:
This item determines the system will
resume by activity of LAN/Ring. If enabled this feature enabled,
system will power on itself from power-off mode when the activity of
LAN/Ring. The default is Disabled.
RTC Alarm Resume:
When this item enabled, your can set the date
Wake Up Events
Scroll to this item and press <Enter> to view the following screen:
Power Management Setup
BIOS Configuration