Checking Your Serial Number
Each Blazer comes with its own unique serial number. If you
need to find out exactly what this number is to identify your
machine to Blazie, for example, here's what to do.
Enter menu mode by pressing the three keys on the right side
of the Blazer simultaneously, the Blazer says, "Configuration,
Speech config." Press Skip (the middle key) four times to arrive
at the Service menu.
The Blazer says, "Service menu." Move directly to the option
that states your serial number, as follows. First, press Enter
(the key closest to you). The Blazer says, "Print manual?" Since
we want to bypass this option, press skip twelve times to arrive
at, "Serial number xxxxx", where xxxxx is your specific serial
To exit menu mode, press the three keys on the right side of
the Blazer simultaneously. The Blazer says, "Exit." You're now
back in printing mode, ready to continue Brailling your own
Checking the Blazer's Revision Date
You can find out whether your Blazer's internal software is up to
date by checking its revision date. Here's how.
Enter menu mode by pressing the three keys on the right side
of the Blazer simultaneously, the Blazer says, "Configuration,
Speech config." Press Skip (the middle key) four times to arrive
at the Service menu. The Blazer says, "Service menu."
Move directly to the option for finding out your Blazer's revision
date as follows. First, press Enter (the key closest to you). The
Blazer says, "Print manual?" Since we want to bypass this
option, press skip fourteen times to arrive at, "Month, Date, year
revision date", where month, date, and year refer to the specific
date when your Blazer was last updated. For example, your
Blazer might say something like, "October 25, 1996 revision
440102-001 Rev. A