One way to move the last page the Blazer Brailled out from
under the Blazer's cover is to press the "form feed" key. This is
the key closest to you on the keypad on the right side of the top
of the Blazer. Pressing the "form feed" key pulls the paper that's
under the Blazer's cover out toward the back of the machine,
but Top of Form is retained. So you won't have to set Top of
Form again for the next file you want to Braille.
At this point, you can go ahead and send another file to the
Blazer or remove the set of sheets that contains the current file
from the Blazer by tearing off the last page from the back of the
machine. If you do this, though, remember that the Blazer
wastes the next sheet to keep the paper from jamming in the
A second way to move the last page the Blazer last Brailled
from under the Blazer's cover is to use the key labeled "paper
advance." This curved, rocker-like key is midway on the left
side of the top of the Blazer.
To pull the paper out toward the back of the Blazer, hold down
the back end of the "paper advance" key, that is, the part of the
key closest to the back of the Blazer. The last page of your file
slowly begins to emerge from the back of the Blazer. Once you
feel the perforation between this page and the next one,
release the "paper advance" key.
At this point, you can remove the set of sheets from the Blazer
by tearing off the last page of your file.
However, the Blazer doesn't know you moved the paper
because you pulled it out without issuing a "form feed.” In other
words, the Blazer can't remember on what line it stopped
Brailling. So you need to issue another Top of Form so the
Blazer can find the top of the page again. To do this, press the
"form feed" key together with the "on line" key. As before, the
Blazer moves the paper back and forth a bit until it senses the
top of the page, then says, "Set top of form.”
You're now ready to send another file to the Blazer.
440102-001 Rev. A