so you can move the paper guide in toward the right edge of
the paper.
Gently lift the right edge of the paper and move the right paper
guide toward it until the pins on the paper guide slide under the
sprocket holes of the right side of the paper. Fit the sprocket
holes of the paper onto the pins of the paper guide and close its
cover. Then immediately push the lever that's just to the right of
the paper guide toward you to lock the paper guide in place.
At this point, your paper should be secured in place on both
sides. Make sure the paper is taut between the paper guides.
You don't want any waffling at all because this will make the
paper go crooked and jam in the Blazer. If the paper does seem
to be crooked or you feel any looseness at all between the
paper guides, unlock the right paper guide again and readjust it
so that the paper lies flat between the paper guides. Once
you're sure the paper is flat, close the cover of the paper guide
and lock it back in place before doing anything else.
You're now ready to turn on the Blazer.
Setting Top of Form
The Blazer needs to know where the top edge of the paper is
so it can begin Brailling in the right place. When you first turn it
on, the Blazer moves the paper back and forth a bit to adjust it
but it's still a good idea to set Top of Form manually to insure
your Braille pages come out the way they should. Here's how it
To turn on the Blazer, find the On/Off rocker switch on the right
side of the back of the machine and rock the switch up toward
you. Within a couple of seconds, you should hear the paper
move slightly and the Blazer say, "Braille Blazer ready.”
Now find the three keys midway along the right side of the top
of the Blazer. From front to back, these keys are labeled, "form
feed", "line feed", and "on line.”
To set Top of Form, press the "form feed" key together with the
"on line" key. The Blazer says, "Set top of form" as it moves the
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