Data Tank Gateway in everyday use
Example Internet Explorer :
Go to Extras --> Internet options and select the register card „connection“. Click „LAN Set-
tings“. Activate „use proxy server for LAN“ and enter the address and port of the proxy
As the address, please use the IP address of your Data Tank Gateway which can be found
in Connections --> LAN in the web interface of your Data Tank Gateway. As port please
select the port stated in the configuration of the proxy server.
5.15 Configuration of the internal hard drive (RAID configuration)
The hard drive configuration of the Data Tank Gateway offers two different possibilities
to configure the internal hard drives:
Striping (RAID 0)
During the Striping the hard drives on your Data Tank Gateway are merged and the files
are transferred to the two drives by turns, i.e., one file to drive 1 and the next one to drive
2. This has the distinct advantage of significantly speeding up reading and writing versus
using several separate hard drives. The disadvantage of striping is that if one of the two
drives crashes, you will lose all data on the Data Tank Gateway.
Mirroring (RAID 1)
If you use mirroring, all data on the first drive is also mirrored on the second drive. As a
result, only half of the entire storage space on your Data Tank Gateway is available for use.
This offers the benefit of high level data security as a backup copy of your data is always
made. If one of the two drives crashes, your data is still available on the second drive.
To configure the hard drives go to Hardware -- > Hard drive in the web configuration of
the Data Tank Gateway. In the segment „Hard drive format“ please select „internal hard
drive“ (default settings).
In „Format“ you can now choose between „striping (RAID0)“ and „mirroring (RAID1)“. Make
a selection and confirm that you would like to format the hard drive by checking „Yes, I
really want to format the whole disk“. Then click „Format harddrive“.
Attention: If the RAID mode is change all data is erased!