“411” (four-one-one), “911” (nine-one-one), etc.
“700 (seven hundred)” (seven hundred)
“800 (eight hundred)” (eight hundred)
“900 (nine hundred)” (nine hundred)
“#” “/” (pound, slash)
“<number> 0–9”
“Asterisk” (*)
“Clear” (deletes all entered digits)
“Delete” (deletes one digit)
To exit dial mode, press and hold the phone button or press
MENU to go to the PHONE menu.
Making Calls
Press the voice icon and when prompted say:
1. Say “Call <name>” or “Dial”, then the desired number.
2. When the system confirms the number, say “Dial” again to initiate the
To erase the last spoken digit, say “Delete” or press the left arrow
button. To erase all spoken digits, say “Clear” or press and hold the left
arrow button.
To end the call, press and hold the phone button.
Receiving Calls
When receiving a call, you can:
Answer the call by pressing this button on your steering wheel
Reject the call by pressing this button on your steering wheel
Ignore the call by doing nothing.
Phone Options during an Active Call
During an active call, you have additional menu features which become
available such as putting a call on hold, joining calls, etc. Use the arrow
buttons to scroll through the menu options.
2013 Fiesta
Owners Guide gf, 2nd Printing