Manual # 26-0002901-00 / Revision H ScreenPro - High Resolution Seamless Switcher
Power Up Initialization
Locate the power switch on the rear panel and turn ScreenPro
on. While ScreenPro
is initializing, the front panel
indicators will cycle green, red, and white and the following menu will be briefly displayed.
The menu displays the version of software that is currently being executed. The software version number will change
as software upgrades are released. The most current software version is available for download from the Folsom
Research web site at
When initialization is complete, the Main Menu will be displayed.
Main/Preview Source Select Keys
Buttons 1 through 8 are used to select the eight different input sources. The BLK key can be selected to provide a
black source video for Fade transitions.
The key for the source currently selected for the Main output will be red. The key for the source currently selected for
the Preview output will be green. The remaining source selection keys will be white. The default power-up condition is
to set BLK (black screen input) as the Main source and Source 1 as the Preview source.
The user can easily select any of the input sources as the current Preview source simply by pushing the
corresponding Source Select key. Each time a new Preview source is selected, the key for the selected source will
turn green and the video on the Preview monitor will display output video derived from the newly selected Preview
Transition Effects
The currently selected preview source can be transitioned seamlessly to the Main output using the Transition Effects
keys. After selecting a Preview source, simply press one of the three Transition Effects buttons. The Preview source
will automatically and seamlessly switch to the Main output and the input source previously designated for the Main
output will become the new Preview source.
There are three buttons that control transition effects; Wipe, Dissolve, and Cut. Transition duration and the type of
transition (in the case of Wipes) are programmed via the Effect menu. The selected transition is performed each time
one of the transition keys is pressed.
Version: X.XX