TView Silver User’s Guide
Image Control
Normal mode, used to position the image left or right. In the
Zoom mode, used to pan the image left or right.
Menu button: Used to access the pop-up menu on the monitor.
Compress button: One button underscan.
Select button: Used to select specific menu icons from the Main
Menu and to accept settings.
Zoom button: Used to zoom in on certain areas of the screen.
Freeze button: Freezes the current image on the screen.
Reset: Returns settings to the defaults. (Performs the same
function as the Home button on the TView Silver.)
Configuring Your PC or Laptop Video
Once you have used the on-screen menu to maximize the image,
you may want to configure your PC or Macintosh computer.
Changing Screen Resolutions
Windows 95
To change screen resolutions perform the following steps:
Click on the "Start" button.
Choose "Settings" and go to the "Control Panel" submenu.
Double-click on the "Display" icon.
Click on the "Settings" tab.