TView Silver User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Checking the Packing List
Check the packing list that is included in this manual. Compare the
list with the equipment you have purchased. Be sure that you have
received everything that is on the list. If anything is missing, contact
FOCUS Enhancements Customer Service department by calling
Packing List
Your TView Silver includes the following items:
TView Silver
Power adapter 9V DC@1000mA
S-Video cable
Macintosh to VGA video adapters
Composite video cable or SCART adapter cable
monitor cable
Infrared remote control
Electronic Marker™ software
User’s guide and Quick-Start guide
Installer diskette(s)
Inspecting the Equipment
Before installing and connecting the hardware, inspect it for any
damage which may have been incurred during shipment. Perform a
thorough inspection, looking for dents, scratches, or loose parts.
Look for anything that appears unusual or out-of-the ordinary. If any
of the equipment is damaged, contact FOCUS Enhancement’s
Customer Service department by calling 1-800-538-6000.