If you are hooked into the depowerloop (normal riding), in emergency you can pull the Quick
Release at the depowerloop as usual. Consequently you are attached to the FDS or FLS only
(depending on the system set up) and the kite turns into the safety modus.
This variant combines the advantages of a depowerloop leash for unhooked tricks with a safety
function for hooked riding.
Create a loop with the end of the
FLS or FDS (depending on the
system set up. For this purpose you
must put the line through the spliced
loop at its end. (Don`t put the line
through the ring! This might release
without intention.)
Now put the shakle of your unhooked
leash completely through the shaped
loop and tighten the loop.
Then hook, like at a pure depower-
loop leash, the shakle into the white
loop on the right side of the depower
loop (Half-Force-Line).