In addition this kite is equipped with a further developed SOFT STEERING SETUP /HARD
STEERING SETUP option (SSS/HSS). You will be able to adjust the kites barforces in steps
from a soft to a hard setup according to your personal preferences.
. fLysURfeR speCIAL fUNCtIoNs
.1. totAL depoWeR systeM (tds)
the tds consists of three components:
the fULL depoWeR BAR (fdB)
enables you to finally experience the most direct
depower effect within reach of your arms! Furthermore the new FDB completely avoids the
use of any pulleys to counter high bar-forces!
the MAX de-/poWeR LINe-systeM (MdpL)
increases the amount of projected
surface area and results in noticeably more power per m² than ever encountered on any „C“
or bow-kite concept on the current market. Ultimately, the MDPL does no longer limit the
depower effect with the line system or the U-shape of the kite but the kite can be fully
opened in the powerzone or at the edge of the wind window. A dangerous inversion (luffing)
of your FLYSURFER kite or for your kite to turn inside out whilst fully depowered is almost im-
possible when compared to classic bow-kite concepts. In addition, the depower effect of
FLYSURFER kites is not only increased by adjusting the angle of attack (AOA) but also by
actively changing the shape of the airfoil during flight. Maximum Power, maximum Depower,
maximum safety and maximum fun!