1. tUNING tIpps
1.1. MULtIWAC-systeM
By easily shifting the so called WAC-line at the knots between hard- and soft steering
setup the steering forces can be changed to a large extent. There are 5 different setups:
full soft, soft, half soft, medium, half hard and full hard.
By shifting, the position on the bar from where the holding and steering forces increase
(called pressure point) gets harder with each knot and is thus moves upward by 8 cm.
This means the kite`s pressure point is reached earlier.
With soft steering setup it can`t be achieved by simply powering up. Make your decision
according to your personal preference.
Most of the kiter, who just started flying FS kites prefer standard or a harder setup, as you
can easily feel the pressure point.
If you are able to fly your kite without watching it, you might prefer the softsteering setup,
as you can easily steer the kite with one hand (e.g. waveriding). Soft steering setup makes
kitesurfing less tiring.
With handles we recommend full soft steering, as the forces effective are extremely high.
1.. vARIABLe LINe LeNGth (vLL)
Your kite has flying lines of 3 m, 6 m und 12 m, which add up to 21 m in length. Thus the
line length can be adjusted in 3 m intervals according to your own preference, the spot or
the conditions. FLYSURFER kites have the advantage that, due to their bridle lines, they don`t
lose their projected surface, even if the lines are shortened.
In order to shorten or enlarge the line length you have to unloop them. Make sure, that the
Easy Line Connectors are tight when you put them back together! The standard length is
the best compromise for light winds.
Sortened flying lines are important for waveriding or courses, as the kite clearly becomes
more direct. The potential of danger, caused by long lines, clearly decreases.
Although, in light winds it is quite difficult to start in the water with small
boards in particular. Your FLYSURFER kite flys extremely well
with short lines.