In case the kite is pumped up with water, which makes it impossible to pull it off the water
start with one side and make the water gradually run into one of the wingtips. There it gets
the chance to drain. Even in shallow water you might drain every FLYSURFER kite.
Look after yourself first. If you put yourself into danger when attempting to
rescue someone else, try and seek help from others.
11.1. At the edGe of the WINd WINdoW
Basically every kite is caught by a helper at the edge of the wind window. Especially, if there are
strong winds and very little room downwind.Fly the kite at the edge of the wind window slight-
ly above the ground and let a competent helper catch it. The helper will approach the kite from
upwind, grab the lower wingtip and pull it towards him/her. You should now walk toward him to
relieve the tension in the lines and still leave some tension in the upper line to assist the helper
in letting the wingtip blow out downwind. The helper lays the kite on its upper sail and weighs
down the wingtip on the leading edge (marked by the symbol of a hand) e.g. with sand.
The secured kite should be
prevented from twirling around
in strong winds, because the
lines could get tangled up.
This could be achieved by re-
leasing the air of the kite. Thus
the kite is secured and all set
for a quick relaunch without