Digital Communication Interface
The 6331 bath is capable of communicating with and being controlled by other
equipment through the digital interface. Two types of digital interface are avail-
able—the RS-232 serial interface which is standard and the IEEE-488 GPIB
Serial Communications
The RS-232 serial interface allows serial digital communications over fairly
long distances. With the serial interface the user may access any of the func-
tions, parameters and settings discussed in Section 9, Controller Operation,
with the exception of the baud rate setting. The serial interface operates with 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
The serial communications
cable attaches to the bath
through the DB-9 connector
on the rear panel. Figure 7
shows the pin-out of this
connector and suggested ca-
ble wiring. To eliminate
noise, the serial cable should
be shielded with low resis-
tance between the connector
(DB-9) and the shield.
Before operation, the serial
interface of the bath must
first be set up by program-
ming the baud rate and other
configuration parameters.
These parameters are pro-
grammed within the serial in-
terface menu.
To enter the serial parameter
programming mode first
press “EXIT” while pressing
“SET” and release to enter
the secondary menu. Press
“SET” repeatedly until the
display reads “
”. This
10 Digital Communication Interface
Serial Communications
Figure 7
Serial Communications Cable Wiring