4. 40.0
New set-point memory 4, 40.0°C
Press “SET” to accept the new selection and access the set-point value.
Accept selected set-point memory
Set-point Value
The set-point value may be adjusted after selecting the set-point memory and
pressing “SET”. The set-point value is displayed with the units, C or F, at the
C 40.00
Set-point 4 value in °C
If the set-point value need not be changed then press “EXIT” to resume dis-
playing the bath temperature. To adjust the set-point value press “UP” or
Increment display
C 42.50
New set-point value
When the desired set-point value is reached press “SET” to accept the new
value and access the set-point vernier. If “EXIT” is pressed, any changes made
to the set-point are ignored.
Accept new set-point value
Set-point Vernier
The set-point value can be set with a resolution of 0.01°C. The user may want
to adjust the set-point slightly to achieve a more precise bath temperature. The
set-point vernier allows one to adjust the temperature below or above the
set-point by a small amount with very high resolution. Each of the 8 stored
set-points has an associated vernier setting. The vernier is accessed from the
set-point by pressing “SET”. The vernier setting is displayed as a 6 digit num-
ber with five digits after the decimal point. This is a temperature offset in de-
grees of the selected units, C or F.
Current vernier value in °C
To adjust the vernier press “UP” or “DOWN”. Unlike most functions the ver-
nier setting has immediate effect as the vernier is adjusted. “SET” need not be
pressed. This allows one to continually adjust the bath temperature with the
vernier as it is displayed.
6331 Calibration Bath
User’s Guide