Use the “UP” or “DOWN” buttons to select any of the set-points.
3 30.0
Third set-point
Press “SET” to be able to change the set-point.
C 30.00
Set-point value
Use “UP” and “DOWN” to change the set-point value.
C 40.00
New set-point value
Press “SET” to save the new set-point value.
The other set-points can also be set in the same manner. Once the set-points are
programmed as desired press “EXIT” to continue.
Continue to next menu function
Program Soak Time
The next parameter in the program menu is the soak time. This is the time, in
minutes, that each program set-point is maintained after settling before pro-
ceeding to the next set-point. The duration is counted from the time the temper-
ature reaches the set-point.
Soak time in minutes
Use the “UP” or “DOWN” buttons to change the time.
New soak time
Press “SET” to continue.
Save new setting
Program Function Mode
The next parameter is the program function or cycle mode. There are four pos-
sible modes which determine whether the program scans up (from set-point 1
to n) only or both up and down (from set-point n to 1), and also whether the
program stops after one cycle or repeats the cycle indefinitely. Table 3 below
shows the action of each of the four program mode settings.
Program mode
Use the “UP” or “DOWN” buttons to change the mode.
6331 Calibration Bath
User’s Guide