Controller Operation
This section discusses in detail how to operate the bath temperature controller
using the front control panel. Using the front panel key switches and LED dis-
play the user may monitor the bath temperature, set the temperature set-point in
degrees C or F, monitor the heater output power, adjust the controller propor-
tional band, set the cutout set-point, and program the probe calibration parame-
ters, operating parameters, serial and IEEE-488 interface configuration, and
controller calibration parameters. Operation of the primary functions is summa-
rized in Figure 5 on page 38.
Bath Temperature
The digital LED display on the front panel allows direct viewing of the actual
bath temperature. This temperature value is what is normally shown on the dis-
play. The units, C or F, of the temperature value are displayed at the right. For
25.00 C
Bath temperature in degrees Celsius
The temperature display function may be accessed from any other function by
pressing the “EXIT” button.
Reset Cutout
If the over-temperature cutout has been triggered, the temperature display alter-
nately flashes
Indicates cutout condition
The message continues to flash until the temperature is reduced and the cutout
is reset.
The cutout has two modes—automatic reset and manual reset. The mode deter-
mines how the cutout is reset which allows the bath to heat up again. When in
automatic mode, the cutout resets itself as soon as the temperature is lowered
below the cutout set-point. With manual reset mode the cutout must be reset by
the operator after the temperature falls below the set-point.
When the cutout is active and the cutout mode is set to manual (“reset”), the
display flashes “cutout” until the user resets the cutout. To access the reset cut-
out function press the “SET” button.
Access cutout reset function
The display indicates the reset function.
9 Controller Operation
Bath Temperature