Should you encounter any problems, please feel free to email me at: [email protected]
3) Click
page down
key to select
Left Tool (or Right Tool),
key , you will see
Start Preheat
Right Tool ON
Left Tool ON
Platform OFF
4) Click
page up
key back to
Start Preheat
and click
key, you will see:
R Extruder: 033/230C
L Extruder: 033/230C
Platform: 024
This means the left extruder is heating up, when it reaches 220
, first
push in
the filament
a little
bit until you see filament come out of the nozzle,
pull it out quickly
. This will ensure you have
gotten rid of the filament inside the nozzle successfully.
Feeding using the Replicator G control panel
The following can only be performed while the printer is connected to the computer.
Open the Replicator G software, click the icon in the red box, this is the control panel icon. The
dialogue box shown below will then pop up.
To heat the right extruder and feed material, click the right extruder on the upper right corner of the