The Panda Generator
Kapitel/Chapter 5: The Panda Generator - Seite/Page 49
Ventilation valve
A siphon must be installed if the
generator sinks below the water line
because of the rocking of the boat, even if
it is only for a short period of time. A hose
pipe on the generator casing has been
produced for this. Both connecting pieces
are bridged by a formed piece of hose.
Fig. 5.3.2-4: Connection for Ventilation Valve
The raw water is injected into the exhaust con-
nection (A). Also raw water is leading to the
diode block (B).
Adjust with the stop-cock an inpression that
raw water is lead to the diode block.
ATTENTION: The stop-cock may never
be completely opened or closed, since
otherwise the diode block or exhaust
connection can become too hot.
Fig. 5.3.2-5: Stop-Cock
Raw water hose
After the raw water has passed the diode
block it is lead to the generator housing
Fig. 5.3.2-6: Raw Water Hose