Frequently Asked Questions
I have everything hooked up and the system will not respond.
A: Check all your wires to the control module. Next check your fuses and ground. If the system does not
respond after that then try programming the remotes. Please see the
“Common Procedure” section of
this manual for remote programming instructions.
Can I use any other CompuStar remotes on this system?
A: Yes you may use any other 4 Pin Antenna RF Kit in the Firstech lineup.
I am trying to program options with the OP500 Option Programmer and it flashes
“ER 01” when I
plug it in to the antenna cable. What should I do?
A: First, make sure all connections are made to the control module. Second, make sure that the system
is not locked. The last thing to check is the antenna cable or antenna extension cable
– make sure this is
not damaged. If you need to, try another cable. When the OP500 is working properly, it will read
“Success Good.”
Is the CM-600 compatible with Manual Transmission vehicles?
A: No, the CM-600 remote start system is compatible with Automatic Transmission vehicles only.
What is the thick blue wire on CN1 and the jumper in the control module?
A: This wire is ran to an internal relay on the control module. This wire can be used to power up a 2
Ignition, 2
Starter, or 2
Accessory wire on the vehicle. The behavior of the wire is changed by the
internal jumper in the control module.
How do I set the auxiliaries?
A: The CM-600AS has programmable auxiliary outputs. You have four preset timed options to program
your auxiliaries for. You must have an Option Programmer (FT-OP500-KIT) to set a specific time output
for the auxiliaries. Please see the Option Tables in this manual for details.
All my connections are made, how do I program the tach?
A: Start the vehicle with the key. Hold the foot brake down. While holding the foot brake down hold the
Key/Start button down for 2.5 seconds. If the system flashes the parking lights once then the tach is
programmed. If it flashes three times, pause and then a certain amount please review the “Common
Procedures” section of this manual.
The vehicle starts and shuts down 3 times in a row.
A: This usually means that the engine sensing mode is not working correctly. If you are using a coil,
change to an injector or try alternator mode. If you are using the tachless sensing mode and it does not
start check the two power wire on the control module. If it does not remote start you may try setting 4
assume start otherwise the only alternative is finding a tach or alternator sense wire.
The vehicle will lock and unlock, but will not flash the parking lights or chirp the siren.