Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
Trouble Operation
Trouble Operation
With no alarms, the detection of a trouble in the system will cause the piezo to sound, the System Trouble LED to
flash and the trouble relay to activate. A message will appear on the LCD display indicating the trouble condition.
The same message is sent to the printer and history file along with time and date. A ground fault will also cause the
yellow Ground Fault LED, located on the bottom of the main circuit board, to turn on.
Addressable Smoke Detectors
For addressable Ionization or Photoelectric smoke detectors, the following is a typical message that could appear on
the LCD display for a detector in trouble.
The information displayed in the first line in the example above provides the following information:
• The type of event - in this example, TRBL indicates Device Trouble
• The Specific Device Trouble for a Detector - the # symbol will be replace by a digit representing a specific
trouble condition (refer to the list of Specific Device Troubles listed below)
• Type of device - in this example, SMOKE DET indicates smoke detector
• Point type and address - in this example, P01 indicates Photoelectric detector assigned to address 01
The information displayed in the second line in the example above provides the following information:
• <ADJ> - user programmed adjective descriptor from library list or custom entry (five characters maximum)
• <NOUN> - user programmed noun descriptor from library list or custom entry (ten characters maximum)
• Zone - zone to which the point is assigned
The # symbol in the display will be replaced by a digit that represents the Specific Device Troubles as listed below:
TABLE 4-1:
Specific Device Troubles for a Detector
Specific Device Troubles
An Invalid Reply may be due to:
(1) incorrect pulse width received from a detector
(2) no answer from a detector due to either a complete device failure or removal from the SLC loop
(3) an incorrect identification code received, i.e. a photo detector replaced by an ion detector or vice-versa
Maintenance Alert - indicates that a detector has been within 80% of its alarm threshold for 24 hours,
indicating that the detector needs cleaning
Fail Automatic Test - indicates that a detector's sensing chamber and electronics (which are tested for nor-
mal safe operation every two hours) has failed the test
<ADJ> <NOUN> Z00