Program Change - Level One
Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
There are nine system function options for software P/N #M9200V20 or greater. The factory default selections and
user option selections are shown below:
3.3.5 Password Change
While displaying the Program Menu, press '4' to change either of two passwords. One high level password, defaulted
to '00000', allows for point and system programming. A second lower level password, defaulted to '11111', allows for
status changes such as:
• Disable points/zones
• Clear history file
• Walktest enable
• Time and date set
• Program check
Pressing '4' will display the following:
Select the password to change by typing * or #, then enter the new password. As the new program or status password
is entered, it is displayed. When ENTER is pressed, the display reads 'PRESS ENTER IF OK, NNNNN=NEW PRO-
GRAM PW'. After ENTER is pressed, the new password is stored in EEPROM memory and the program returns to
the program change screen. If BACKSPACE is entered, the password remains unchanged and the program returns to
the program change screen.
V = Alarm Verification
(Y) 73 seconds
I = Silence Inhibit
(Y) 60 seconds
A = Autosilence
(Y) 10 minutes
P = Presignal
(Y) 3 minutes with 15 second Acknowledge
C = Bell Code
(M) = March Time
(T) = Temporal
(C) = California
A/U = Annunciators
(Z) = 56 Zones
with or without UDACT-F
(ZU) = 56 Zones Annunciator with UDACT-F
(P) = 198 Points
(PU) = 198 Points Annunciator with UDACT-F
L/P = LCD-40 or
L = LCD-40 Series installed
Printer/PC in use
P = Printer or local PC installed
S = SLC loop style
(4) = Style 4
(6) = Style 6
R = Alarm/Trbl Reminder
(Y)es = Sound onboard piezo every 15 seconds
during alarm and every two minutes during
trouble after acknowledge or silence key
has been pressed.
1Requires prior approval of Local Authority Having Jurisdiction.
2When the UDACT-F has a fault, this entry allows the FACP to display 'DACT Trouble' on the LCD display and printer hardcopy. The history
file will also be updated with this information. For zone annunciation, up to 56 zones, use AFM Series Annunciators or LDM Series Annunci-
ators. For 198 point annunciation, use the LDM Series Annunciators.