After selecting “RESTORE” from both warning prompts, the “RESTORE IN PROGRESS” and “RESTORE SUCCESS-
FUL” screens appear; the user selects “DONE” and then restarts the amplifier:
Alternately, a “RESTORE FAILED” screen may appear, prompting the user to select “TRY AGAIN” or “CONTACT
SUPPORT” (the latter directs the user to the Tone app support portal on the Fender website). If the restore
after selecting “TRY AGAIN”, a second “RESTORE FAILED” screen then prompts the user to select
“CONTACT SUPPORT” or “GOT IT”, which returns the user to the “BACKUP/RESTORE” screen:
When “DELETE” is selected, the steps are similar to those described above—a “DELETE” warning screen ap-
pears, followed by a “DELETE IN PROGRESS” screen. The result will be either a “DELETE SUCCESSFUL” screen
in which the user then selects “DONE,” or a “DELETE FAILED” screen. When a delete fails, the user can make
two further attempts; if these fail, the user is presented with the “CONTACT SUPPORT” and “GOT IT” options
described above.
Amazing Backup