Simple Comp
Compressor effect inspired by the classic MXR Dyna Comp
Same as Simple Compressor above, with added gain,
threshold, attack and release controls
Inspired by the MXR M-163 Sustain, a rare 1980s compressor pedal with a particularly
strong compression effect and a short attack time
Metal Gate
Inspired by the ISP Technologies Decimator II G String pedal. Especially ideal for high-
gain metal, with a very fastattenuation curve
EQ Parametric
Parametric midrange equalizer plus bass and treble controls
EQ5 Graphic
Similar to the Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ five-band graphic equalizer
EQ7 Graphic
Seven-band graphic equalizer based on the Boss GE-7
Pedal Wah
Dual-mode wah inspired by the Dunlop Cry Baby
and ’60s-era Vox Clyde McCoy wah pedal
Touch Wah
Similar to Pedal Wah above, but controlled by picking
dynamics rather than an expression pedal
Envelope Filter
Inspired by the funktastic 1970s Mu-Tron III
Step Filter
Rhythmically choppy modulation effect that dices notes into
distinctly alternating “steps”
Pitch Shifter
Simple pitch shifter that adds another note above or below the dry signal pitch
Diatonic Pitch
Pitch shifter that produces a chosen musical interval
to create harmonized notes in key
Pedal Shift
Based on pitch-shift functions of the DigiTech Whammy pedal; best when used
with EXP-1 Expression Pedal (
page 45
Pedal Harmony
Based on harmonizer functions of the DigiTech Whammy pedal; best when used
with EXP-1 Expression Pedal (
page 45
Pedal Detune
Based on detuning functions of the DigiTech Whammy pedal; best when used
with EXP-1 Expression Pedal (
page 45
All non-FMIC product names and trademarks appearing in this manual are the property of their respective owners and are used solely to identify the products whose tones
and sounds were studied during sound model development for this product. The use of these products and trademarks does not imply any affiliation, connection, sponsor-
ship, or approval between FMIC and with or by any third party.