ID ISC.ANT800/600-DA
Seite 6 von 26
The following gate distances for the various label orientations are derived from the capture area
shown above:
Table 2: Gate Distances
Label Orientation
Gate Distance
parallel to antenna
max. 1.55 m
at right angles to antenna
max. 1.10 m
parallel and at right angles to
max. 1.00 m
In order to ensure that the label is captured in the capture area illustrated above, the following
conditions must be met:
The minimum distance from the lower antennas to the floor must be 25 cm.
The labels should have at least an ISO card size (46 mm x 75 mm).
The activation field strength of the labels should be less than or equal to 85 mA/m.
The distance from label to label should be more than 10 cm.
The distance from label to label can be reduced if the gate distance GD is correspondingly
diminished. This applies especially for distances of less than 5 cm.
Not more than 16 labels should be located within the capture area of the antenna at one time.
The number of labels can be increased by reducing the gate distance correspondingly and
adjusting the maximum speed accordingly.
The maximum traverse speed of the labels should not exceed 0.5 – 1 m/s (This depends on
the number of labels, the number of data blocks, the necessary data protocol and the label
The antenna should have a minimum separation from metal parts of 50 cm.
No noise inducing electrical devices should be located close enough to the Reader to cause
interference. The difference in the noise levels should be equal to or less than 20 mV.
Note: The entire capture area is larger than the area shown in Figure 1
This means there
are label orientations for which the label can be detected outside the drawn capture
area, so that labels can even be outside the gate. Suitable shielding measures need
to be taken to prevent this.