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7.14.2. Flow velocity profile (optional function)
Click “Flow Rate Distribution”, and the following screen appears.
Fig. 24 <Flow Rate Distribution screen>
Select either Moment or Moving Average first and then enter the range for reading from 1 to 60 sec. If Moving-
average is selected, set the number of times. Then, select either Line 1 or Line 2.
The line displays flow velocity distribution measured by upper flow side sensor in green, and flow speed distribution
measured by down flow side sensor in red.
Moment............................. Displays data by each read
Moving Average................ Displays data in moving average with the number of times set by channel in each read
Flow velocity/flow rate..... Displays flow velocity or flow rate with each read
RAS .................................. Displaying RAS with each read
Demonstration function .... Displays read flow velocity distribution with [Save As CSV] file
Displays repeatedly by setting check box to ON (
[Start]............................ Starts reading in indicated cycle.
[Stop] ............................ Stops reading.
[Save As CSV].............. Saves measurement results in file with CSV format. Click the button, and you are
prompted to enter the file name to which the data is to be saved.