Calibrate Flavors
The flavor injection modules must be calibrated before the dispenser is ready for store operation. The calibration procedure
requires access to the product tray so before beginning the procedure, remove the drip tray, splash plate, and front cover
to access the flavor modules.
From the "Calibrate Flavors" tab, select the "ounces" button in "Step #1" to set the desired sample size. On the
pop-up window, move the slider to the desired value and press the green check mark to confirm the selection. This
value will be the sample size used to validate the amount dispensed during calibration, so select a measurement
that is easy to verify with the tools at hand.
To configure the desire flow rate, scroll down on the "Calibrate Flavors" screen and tap the "oz/sec" button for
the flavor being calibrated. On the pop-up window, move the slider to the desired value and press the green
check mark to confirm the selection.
Place a measuring cup under the faceplate and press the "Start" button to dispense the product. Measure the
amount of product dispensed and compare to the set "Sample Size" from Step 1. If the amounts match, the
module is calibrated. If the amounts do not match, the flavor module will need to be manually adjusted.