6th edition, 22.05.2023
7000.05060, 6th edition, 22.05.2023
Product description
PCB with vertical plug connector (option 5621)
Fig. 4:
Isometric view (left) and top view (right) of PCB with vertical plug connector
Tab. 3:
Connector overview
Tab. 4:
LED overview
USB (X1)
Status LED
Power LED
Designation Function
USB (X1)
Connection of the USB communication
Designation Function
State LED
Green (continuous light): Device active.
Green (flashing): Device active. However the state machine has not yet reached the
Operation Enabled
Red (continuously flashing): The drive has switched to a fault state. The output
stage will be switched off or has already been switched off.
Red (error code): Booting has failed. Please contact FAULHABER Support.
Power LED
Green: Power supply within the permissible range.
Off: Power supply out of the permissible range.