K I C 5 5 1 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 1 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 3
The operating software files for programming through HTTP bootloader have the extension .bin
To load the file to the micr
ocontroller’s memory you should press the “Upload” button.
After the programming, the KIC551/KIC551RC module should be turned off.
4.1.1 Formatting the integrated NAND drive
The NAND drive mounted on the KIC551/KIC551RC module is designed for storing alternative
system configurations, as well as for backup storing configuration software for all peripheral
devices of the module. If necessary, the purpose of the information stored can be different.
Prior to the use, the NAND drive must be formatted in the mode assuming that all the packs are
erased (initial format). Further, the formatting, if necessary, can be carried out on a regular basis.
To carry out the formatting procedure, a Telnet-c
lient application based on the “PuTTY” or similar
utility is used.
The Telnet client connection settings using the example of the PuTTY utility are shown in the
screenshot below: