K I C 5 5 1 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 1 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 3
▪ Providing MCU with an access to the resources of modification of all the EEPROMs.
▪ Providing MCU with an access to the Hardware Monitor data.
STM32F207 Microcontroller
The main working functions of the microcontroller are as follows:
▪ Controlling the process of supplying power to the Gigabit Ethernet switch units.
▪ Controlling the Gigabit Ethernet switch.
▪ Controlling the FPGA status.
▪ Arrangement of interaction with FPGA (over UART and SPI interfaces) for implementing the
function of control of power supply, configuration, reprogramming all the configuration EEPROMs,
as well as control of the LM87 Hardware Monitor parameters.
▪ Arranging storage of the EEPROM Program Configuration Units (PCU) for all the module’s units.
▪ Adjustable real time clock.
▪ Ensuring protected access from a local network to data warehouse.
▪ Implementation of script sequences for module and system control set from the local network.
NAND flash drive
The NAND flash drive has a capacity of 64 MB and is intended for storing PCU for all the devices
on the board of the module, as well as other data. Using the MCU, a remote access (FTP) to the
NAND drive can be organized through the Gigabit Ethernet switch from any peripheral slot of the
system or through the RJ45 connector on the front panel of the KIC551/KIC551RC module. A
detailed description of works with the NAND drive is given in
Section 4 Program configuration of
Multiplexers for access to configuration EEPROMs
The KIC551/KIC551RC module is equipped with multiplexers for the arrangement of a separate
access of FPGA or microcontroller to EEPROM configuration microchips. These multiplexers are
synthesized and are located in FPGA (see Fig. 2.3).