K I C 5 5 1 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 1 F a s t w e l V e r . 0 0 3
3 Intended Use
3.1 Power consumption of KIC551/KIC551RC
The supply voltage of the KIC551 / KIC551RC is +5 V_ standby, +12 V.
The specified requirements must be taken into account that are essential to ensure stability and
reliability. Table. 3.1 shows the values of the maximum permissible voltages on the power lines,
exceeding which may damage the module. The power supply sources which will be used with the
KIC551 / KIC551RC module, must be verified for compliance with these requirements.
Table 3.1
– Paramters of KIC551/KIC551RC power consumtpion
Voltage (V)
Minimum (V)
Maximum (V)
+5 V_standby
If the power supply voltage exceeds the specified limits, the functionality of the module is not
The backplane must ensure optimal distribution of supply voltages. It is recommended to use only
those backplanes that have two power planes for each voltage.
Connections of the power line and backplane should guarantee minimum losses and ensure
consistent performance. Long power supply lines, light-gauge wires and high resistance
connections should be avoided.
If possible, power supplies with a voltage monitoring function should be used. The use of an
appropriate backplane may also be required.
The power supply must be sufficient for accounting possible deviations in the characteristics of the
electronic components.
3.1.1 Starting current and average current consumption of the module
During the tests, the starting current and the average current consumption were measured. The
results are shown in Table. 3.2.
Table 3.2
– Measurements results of starting current and average current consumption*
Starting (short-time) current (+12 V)
Average current (+12 V)
KIC551RC-01 **
6 A
2 A
* Values derived from the laboratory test report for consumption currents.
** The module versions KIC551-02, KIC551RC-02 (Tabe 1.1, Table 1.2) do not support optical
PCIe interface (values of starting and average consumption currents are less than those specified
in the Table 3.2).