Regardless of the velocity, the "top layer sound", i.e. the loudest layer, is always used.
The layer that best matches the trigger impulse is always used. This means that if the trigger
pulse strength is identical, the identical layer is also used.
In all three situations the audible volume of the sound matches the intensity of the beat, only the
layer within the sound selected by the module changes. If a loop sound is selected, only the "Fix"
setting is available.
User Sounds
With the FAME sound editor you can create individual sound files from your own samples. Regarding
the parameter settings on this page, please note that for your own sounds with few layer levels (1-10
layers) the LAYER setting "FIX" should be selected, otherwise the behaviour of the sound will be
The values Poly and Mono are available here. If "Mono" is selected, a sound layer can only be
played exactly once and may be cut off.
With this parameter value you define the transient response of the sound. The minimum
value "0" defines that the sound should be there immediately. A value >0 on the other hand defines
the time until the maximum volume is reached.
With HOLD you can determine how long this maximum volume should sound. In combination
with other parameters you can create sounds that sound artificial.
This value determines how long the sample on which the sound is based should decay. The
setting ∞ (infinite) lets the full sample duration sound.