Here you can set the time signature for the metronome. A selection of the most important
variations with different accentuations is available: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 3/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8,
9/8 or 12/8. The 1/4 setting is ideal if you do not want the metronome to be accentuated.
Here you can set the tempo. A tempo range from 30 to 280 bpm is available. If you press
the knob while holding down the MORE button, a right arrow will appear
and you can set the
tempo in decimal steps. If you press the
knob again, you can change the tempo in whole bpm
steps. The set tempo can of course be saved with the respective kit.
Metronome Sound
: In the MIXER-UNIT section on the METR page you can select a sound for the
metronome. This is a global setting that applies to all kits.
TYPE Song functions:
Use the knob to select the desired song. The name of the song (=file name) appears in the
second line of the display. The number under FILE indicates the song position. All WAV files on the
module - regardless of their storage location - are listed in alphabetical order. If the linked song no
longer exists because it was deleted by the module, a
appears under FILE instead of a number.
Press the DATA knob while holding down the MORE button to switch to
Wave mode.
Now the symbols for song and metronome appear next to the FILE number. In Split
Wave mode, the right and left signal of the song (WAV file) are automatically assigned to separate
channels in the SUB Mix. In practice this means for situation 1 (see picture below) that the left
channel of the song is treated as "metronome" and the right channel is still treated as "song".
With situation 2 it is the other way round.
Split-Wave-Mode: Situation 1
Split-Wave-Mode: Situation 2
You need the split wave mode, for example, if you want to play live to a playback or backing track. To
keep you "on time", you may have produced a playback that contains the music on the left and a
matching click on the right. If you just let the song play back now, the click would also be heard via
the PA system. In split-wave mode, however, you now have the option of switching the side of the
song that contains the click to another channel in the SUB mix and thus individually determining which
output the click signal is output to. In our example you would set the routing so that the click is only
heard on the headphones and not on the main output (OUT1-2). How this works in detail is described
in the section MIXER-UNIT-OUT.