11. SOUND Menu
On this page you can assign a sound to each drum channel and tune it. Use the CHANNEL menu
(chapter 10) to select the desired channel or use the corresponding PAD.
11.1 DRUM*
Here you can assign a sound to each channel. The name of the sound is displayed
in the second line. The first line contains information about the folder (category of the sound). Turn
the DATA knob to switch between the sounds. The FILE number indicates the position within the
selected folder and is not part of the sound name. If you press the knob while holding down the
MORE button, the view switches to FOLD
You can now use the knob to navigate between the
folders. Pressing it again switches back to FILE
mode. If a deleted sound is assigned to the
channel, this is indicated by a "?" instead of the FILE number. With the three DATA buttons you can
play back the currently set sound. Each button triggers a different zone depending on the sound. With
a cymbal sound, for example, you can pre-listen to Bell, Bow and Edge, with a kick sound, of course,
only the head sound.
TUNE changes the pitch of the sound. The lowest pitch is -12 (12 half steps = one octave
down). The highest tuning value that can be achieved depends on the selected sound. Four semitone
steps up (+4) are common. However, there are sounds that can be tuned more or less than 4
semitone steps upwards respectively. If you press the knob while holding down the MORE button, you
will switch to a finer tuning mode. Then you can adjust the pitch in decimal steps.
Use the knob to adjust the volume of the sound or the trigger channel respectively. If you
change the value, it automatically affects the VOL value on the SPECIAL-VOL page, which is identical
to this. Please note that the volume of the channel set here influences both the volume within the
mixer and the volume in the selected BUS. I.e.: Increase the volume of this channel, thereby
simultaneously increasing the volume of the individual output (selected BUS) and also the volume in
the respective mixer channel. This, in turn, affects the volume of the headphones respectively.