You can choose between upper and lower case letters, numbers and various special characters. You
can select the desired letter with the knob (KEY flashes) or insert a space by pressing the knob while
holding down the MORE key. Press the knob without holding down the MORE key to switch to the
CUR parameter. Now you can use the knob to change the cursor position (indicated by the blinking
underline in the display).
If you turn the knob to the right while holding down the MORE key, new spaces are inserted. If you
turn it to the left, the character at the cursor position is deleted. Finally, press the left DATA button
above the display again (SAVE).
Copying, moving and swaping a kit
You can also move a kit (MOVE), exchange it with another kit (SWAP) or copy it to another
programme position (COPY).
First press the left button above the display.
Use the knob to select the kit number with which the active kit should interact. Once you have
selected the new kit number, the three function options COPY, MOVE and SWAP will be offered.
By pressing the left DATA button you copy the kit 1:1 to the new programme position. With MOVE you
move the kit (all other kits are moved one place further) and with SWAP you swap the kits. In this
example, kit no. 1 is stored on programme position 80 and kit no. 80 on programme position 1.
You can also assign a new name during the COPY, MOVE or SWAP process.
Saving changes in the MIXER-UNIT menu
If you have made changes in the MIXER-UNIT menu, this is also indicated by a
next to SAVE. To
save the changes permanently, press the left DATA button. The
disappears and the changes are
saved. Please note that the SAVE mode on the page PREF must be switched on for this. If the
remains after pressing the left DATA button, the SAVE mode is deactivated.