8.3 HCAL
(this menu is only available if the hi-hat channel is selected in the CHANNEL MENU)
On this page important settings for the hi-hat are configured.
In this menu you can calibrate the hi-hat, i.e. adapt it to your playing style. Due to the
importance of this topic we have dedicated an extra chapter to it. Please read the detailed
explanations in chapter 8.5 HSET.
Depending on the connected hi-hat pad, you must set a matching RAW value to ensure
technical functionality. The RAW value is set using the small recessed screw on the back of the
module (HH Cal). The following values are average guide values. Depending on the desired playing
feel, you can adjust these values freely:
Yamaha: 850-900 // Roland: 800-850 // Alesis: 830-880 // 2BOX: 600-650
Here you can read the signal strength of zone 9 (closed hi-hat) (the DATA button is without
Specify here which hi-hat / hi-hat controller(s) you have connected.
: all common hi-hat types and brands
: 2BOX DrumIt Five Hi-Hat
: Alesis Crimson Hi-Hat Controller
Increase this value to raise the calibration threshold. This is useful for a consistent “foot chick”
(pedaled hi-hat) and “foot splash” (quick release of the pedal after a chick) sound. We recommend
taking your time to find the setting that you are most comfortable with.
This parameter allows you to change the hi-hat’s calibration range: higher values extend the
range, while lower values narrow it down. Bear in mind that changing this setting also affects the
PFACT setting. We recommend editing this parameter only once you are thoroughly familiar with the
When using a Hi-Hat with non-reversed calibration, the function of the two parameters is
exactly inversed. The state if the calibration is reversed is shown as a capital “R” left of the opening
graphic in the CALIB parameter.