3. Controller programming
In order to operate FAKRO electronic accessories, featuring the Z-Wave system, by means of the
ZWP15 controllers, it is necessary to:
Add the device to the “Z-Wave” network (INCLUDE function) – see section 3.1
Associate the device with a selected pair of buttons on the controller with which user wishes to operate
the device (ASSOCIATE function) – see section 3.2.
In one “Z-Wave” network, there can be included a maximum of 232 devices, i.e. controllers, electronic
accessories for FAKRO roof windows as well as other electronic devices.
Note !!!
Each device physically deleted from the network (e.g. damaged) shall be deleted from the controller's
memory (PRIMARY, SECONDARY), that is, first deleted from a pair of buttons (section 3.4) and then deleted
from the network (3.5). Appropriate implementation of procedures aims to provide optimal communication
between devices. Disconnecting the device without deleting it from the controller's memory will result in longer
time of reaction of devices on commands and faster running out of batteries. In case of necessity of deleting
damaged device, which deleting from the controller's memory is not possible, it is recommended to re-
configurate the whole network (all devices). Configuration of the new network begins with restoring the
controller to factory settings (DEFAULT function), and then EXCLUDE function is used and next we go
further to the section 3 „Controller programming”.
Note !!!
When moving the device within the network, it is recommended to delete it from the controller's
memory (first deleting from a pair of buttons, section 3.4) an then deleting it from the network (section 3.5) and
re-adding after installation in new workplace.
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