User Manual
2.2 Inputs and Outputs Overview
The 24 INPUTS are divided into A and B types.
The A Inputs are
1, 2,
5, 6,
9, 10,
13, 14,
17, 18,
21, 22.
The B Inputs are
3, 4,
7, 8,
11, 12,
15, 16,
19, 20,
23, 24.
When patching an INPUT to a FEED, certain restrictions apply:
Track Feeds can use both A and B Inputs as sources.
Live Feeds can use only A Inputs as sources.
Insert Returns can use only B Inputs as sources.
The 24 OUTPUTS are also divided into A and B types, with exactly the same numbers. When patching a signal path
to an output (this is called "Defining a Port" in the software), restrictions once again apply:
Busses can only use A Outputs.
Insert Sends and can only use B Outputs.
Monitor outputs can use either A or B Outputs.
Direct Outputs can only use B Outputs.
2.3 Patching Inputs to Tracks
There are two reasons for patching Inputs to Tracks:
to record the input on to the Track
to put the Track into Thru mode and use it as the equivalent of another Live Feed (this is done on the MFX
Console - click the Arm key, then click the Mode Soft Key until it shows THRU, then click the Track key(s)
of the appropriate track(s)).
Inputs are patched to Tracks on the Channel Configuration screen of the mixer. This is described later in this manual.
Note that it is possible to record a system BUSS into a Track, by patching it to the input of the Track (beware, this
can create audio feedback!). This is done on the Channel Configuration page.
2.4 Insert Sends and Returns
In PRODIGY there are 12 available insert points, which can be patched into any of the feeds. Creating the Insert Send
and Return can be done from the Channel Configuration page or from the Channel List Page.
Sometimes the system will only allow a limited choice of physical I/O ports for use as Insert Sends and Returns. This
is because its architecture dictates the allowable connections between the Physical I/O and the mixer. In all such
cases it is simply a matter of choosing which of the available ports you want to use.