User Manual
Source Type
To set the Source Type, touch the screen knob at the top left of the screen. You can use the mixing console Jogger
Wheel to move it up and down, or move by single steps using the Up and Down keys. The mouse can also be used,
with left button clicks moving up and right ones moving down.
Source Trim
Input trim level operates in the digital domain for both analog and digital sources. It can be set by touching the red
knob in the lower left of the screen, and turning the mixing console Jogger Wheel.
8.3.5 Insert Points
Insert sends and returns may be created on the Channel Configuration screen.
8.3.6 Copying Channel Configuration
Pressing Copy copies the following data from the current channel into a clipboard:
Level and Pan
Routing: The Buss destinations
Auxes: Aux. set-ups
At any time the entire contents of the clipboard may be pasted simultaneously (press PASTE) or each separate
section independently (Press SOME) into the current channel.
8.3.7 Stereo Linking
The LINK button links and unlinks the channel with an adjacent channel. This has the effect of combining control of
the two channels on to one fader. It also locks the EQ and Dynamics parameters of the two channels to be the same,
and causes the same level to be sent from both channels to the aux buses.
8.3.8 Arming Tracks
The ARM button allows the current Track to be armed directly from the Channel Configuration page.
8.3.9 Signal Flow
The FLOW button allows EQ and Dynamics to be placed either at the Input to a track or the return from the Track. If
an input is connected directly to a track, and the EQ/Dyn are at the input, the results of the EQ/Dyn will be recorded.
If the EQ/DYN are set to TRACK, the results of the EQ/DYN will be monitored but not recorded.
For LIVE FEEDS, the EQ/DYN are always at the input.
Note that inserts cannot be created on armed tracks when the EQ and Dynamics are in the Input path.
8.3.10 EQ/COMP/EXP buttons
The EQ/COMP/EXP buttons may be used to switch the EQ and dynamics in and out from the Channel Configuration
8.3.11 Multitrack busses
If any Multitrack busses have been created in the Buss Allocation page, channels are routed to them by selecting the
appropriate Track buttons at the bottom of the Channel Configuration page. Switching on SFS causes the send
to follow the pan, from ODD to EVEN (Left goes to ODD numbered busses, Right to EVEN).