Chapter: 3
OPERATION WITH 8010/20/25/30 CNC
Considerations regarding CNC format.
* The display format of the CNC cannot show numbers greater than 99999;
therefore, this amount will appear whenever the free memory space on the disk
exceeds this value.
* When aborting the transmission of a program from the CNC to the floppy unit, wait
for 10 sec. before requesting another operation.
Compatibility with programs edited at a PC.
* The disk being used may have programs generated at the FAGOR CNC or edited
at a PC.
The programs edited at a PC must meet the following conditions:
1.- The text editor must be an ASCII editor.
2.- The program name must consist of five digits (0-9), a period and one of these
three extensions:
- PIM for mill part-programs.
- PIT for lathe part-programs.
- PIP for punch part-programs.
This type of names will indicate that the program has been edited at a PC.
3.- It is not possible to delete programs edited at a PC from the CNC.
4.- Each line of a program edited at a PC must only have one complete block.
5.- When a disk has two programs with the same name but one in CNC format
(without extension) and the other one in PC format (with extension), the CNC
will work with the one in CNC format by default.
6.- When getting a disk directory, the programs with the same name will appear
in the following order:
1st, those with CNC format (without extension).
2nd, those with PC format (with extension .PIM).
3rd, those with PC format (with extension .PIT).
4th, those with PC format (with extension .PIP).