Model 5601MSC
Model 5601MSC Master SPG/Master Clock System
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Revision 2.2
It should be noted that tri-level references do not supply enough phase information to color frame
NTSC-M or PAL-B sync outputs. When multiple 5601MSC units are locked to a tri-level source, the
black burst outputs from either unit cannot be guaranteed to have the same color frame phase. As
such, the subcarrier outputs of the two units may also not be in phase with each other.
For tri-level sync standards that run at a fractional rate (i.e. 1080i/59.94, 720p/59.94) the AES, DARS,
and Wordclock outputs cannot be deterministically phase locked. This is because only one frame of
phase information is provided by the tri-level reference. For these standards, the AES/DARS, and
Wordclock outputs cannot be guaranteed to be the same phase between different units, or that the
phase will remain the same if the 5601MSC is restarted.
Phase Locked Outputs
1080i/60, 1080p/60, 720p/60, AES/DARS, 30Hz LTC
NTSC, 525i/59.94, 1080i/59.94, 1080p/59.94, 720p/59.94, 480p/59.94, 29.97Hz LTC
PAL, 625i/50, 1080i/50, 1080p/50, 720p/50, 1080p/25, 576p/50, AES/DARS, 25Hz LTC
720p/60, 1080p/60, AES/DARS
720p/59.94, 1080p/59.94, 480p/59.94
720p/50, 1080p/50, 576p/50, AES/DARS
625i/48, 720p/24, 1080p/24, 1080p/24sF, AES/DARS, 24Hz LTC
625i/47.95, 1080p/23.98, 1080p/23.98sF, AES/DARS, 23.98Hz LTC
625i/47.95, 1080p/23.98, 1080p/23.98sF, AES/DARS, 23.98Hz LTC
625i/48, 720p/24, 1080p/24, 1080p/24sF, AES/DARS, 24Hz LTC
625i/48, 720p/24, 1080p/24, 1080p/24sF, AES/DARS, 24Hz LTC
PAL, 625i/50, 1080i/50, 720p/50, 1080p/25, 576p/50, AES/DARS, 25Hz LTC
Table 2-5: Phase Locking to HD Tri-Level Standards
2.2.11. Slo-PAL Genlock
The 5601MSC supports two Slo-PAL references to provide an ability to lock film-rate standards while
using a common analog sync format (PAL). The two standards supported are 625i/48 for use with 24Hz
film standards and 625i/47.95 for use with 23.98Hz film standards. With Slo-PAL references, the
5601MSC locks its frequency to the horizontal sync edges and uses the vertical sync for phasing. See
Table 2-6 for phasing ability of each reference type.
With a Slo-PAL reference, the AES/DARS outputs can be properly phase aligned since the number of
AES samples (48,000 per second) is evenly divisible by Slo-PAL frame rates. There are exactly 2,000
AES samples generated for each frame of 48Hz Slo-PAL. Exactly 2,002 AES samples are generated
for each frame of 47.95Hz Slo-PAL.
Note that a 47.95Hz Slo-PAL reference does not provide enough phasing information to
deterministically lock the 6/1.001Hz pulse output. When multiple 5601MSC units are referenced to a
47.95Hz Slo-PAL signal, the 6/1.001Hz pulse outputs are not guaranteed to be lined up.
Outputs Phased Deterministically
625i/48, 720p/24, 1080p/24, 1080p/24sF, AES/DARS, 24Hz LTC
625i/47.95, 1080p/23.98, 1080p/23.98sF, AES/DARS, 23.98Hz LTC
Table 2-6: Slo-PAL Phase Locking