Model 5600MSC Master Clock/SPG Manual
Page 1-6
Revision 1.6
Daylight Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time as it is called in
many countries, is a way of getting more daylight out of the summer days by advancing
the clocks by one hour during the summer. Then, the sun will appear to rise one hour
later in the morning when people are usually asleep anyway, at the benefit of one hour
longer evenings when awake. The sunset and sunrise are one hour later than during
normal time.
A method of adjusting the nominal 30 frame per second counting rate of SMPTE
12M time code to the actual counting rate of approximately 29.97 frames per second – a
difference of 1 part in 1001. This correction drops 108 frames per hour by skipping
frame counts 0 and 1 at the beginning of each minute, except minutes 0, 10, 20, 30, 40
and 50.
EBU (European Broadcasting Union):
An organization of European broadcasters that among
other activities provides technical recommendations for the 625/50 line television
EBU TECH 3267-E:
The EBU recommendation for the parallel interface of 625 line digital video
signal. This is a revision of the earlier EBU Tech 3246-E standard, which was in turn
derived from CCIR-601.
Error Detection and Handling (EDH) is defined in SMPTE RP-165 as a method of
determining when bit errors have occurred along the digital video path. According to
RP-165, two error detection checkwords are used, one for active picture samples, and
the other on a full field of samples. Three sets of flags are used to convey information
regarding detected errors, to facilitate identification of faulty equipment or cabling. One
set of flags is associated with each checkword, and the third is used to evaluate ancillary
data integrity. The checkwords and flags are combined into a special error detection
data packet that is included as ancillary data in the serial digital signal.
Digital audio is multiplexed onto a serial digital video data stream according to
the SMPTE 272M (standard definition) or SMPTE 299M (high definition) standards.
Acronym for the Global Positioning System, a satellite based navigation system
operated and maintained by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS, the most accurate
technology available for marine and land navigation is emerging as the technology of
choice in timing applications including site and network synchronization.
The United Nations regulatory body governing all forms of communications. ITU-R
(previously CCIR) regulates the radio frequency spectrum, while ITU-T (previously
CCITT) deals with the telecommunications standards.
ITU-R BT470:
An international standard for The PAL composite analog television system.
An international standard for component digital television from which was derived
SMPTE 125M and EBU 3246-E standards. ITUR-601 defines the sampling systems,
matrix values and filter characteristics for both Y, B-Y, R-Y and RGB component digital
television signals. This document was formerly known as CCIR-601.
The physical parallel and serial interconnect scheme for ITU-R601. ITU-R656 defines
the parallel connector pinouts as well as the blanking, sync and multiplexing schemes