Care and Maintenance - Lamp and Acrylic Replacement
Removing/Replacing Face Tanner
After opening the canopy acrylic, replace
the face tanner lamps as follows:
Step 1
Support the face tanner assembly
with your hand while unscrew-
ing the two retaining screws. The
face tanner glass casing will
swing downward.
Step 2
The lamp can now be
exchanged. The lamp holders
are equipped with spring con-
tacts which enable the lamp to
be removed easily. Remove the
old lamp and discard. Install the
new lamp, using a clean cloth
or paper towel. Ensure that the
lamp is firmly seated in the
lamp holders.
Never take hold of the lamp such
that your fingers are in contact with the
lamp glass. Finger oils will greatly reduce
the lamp’s operational life.
Step 3
Gently close the face tanner
glass casing and lock it closed
with the screws. Ensure that the
screws firmly secure the glass
Unfiltered light from face tanner can
cause severe burns.
Never turn sunbed on while face
tanner is disassembled or when
glass filters are removed.
Immediately discontinue use of this
equipment if face tanner glass is
broken or any unfiltered light can be
seen escaping face tanner assembly.