For Support Contact +46 8 25 28 75, [email protected] or +61 2 9956 7377, [email protected]
"ISP User Name" and "ISP Password" is the appropriate login information for the service
being utilised.
Connected to ISP or Server
Connect to ISP at startup
– When the unit powers up it can automatically connect to the ISP.
Connect to Server at startup
– When the unit powers up and automatically connects to the
ISP, the unit will establish a socket to IP1 or IP2.
Use of this feature will cause some aspects of the capabilities in the "Data
Transfer/Logging/Timers" tab to be unavailable. Use of this feature would result in a
permanent connection being maintained to the specified server.
Max Reconnect Period
– This is the maximum time a reconnection will be attempted before
it is considered a failure. We recommend a value of 10 here.
Max Reconnect Trials
– This is the maximum amount if times a reconnect will be attempted
before the device try to select another access technology. The device start to connect via
4G technologies at start up. If the max reconnection trials using 4G have been reach, it will
try to connect via 3G. If the max reconnection using 3G trials has been reach, it will try to
connect via 2G. If the max reconnection using 2G trials has been reach, it will try to connect
via 4G again. If a successful connection has been established, the same access technology
will be used the next attempt until a restart of the device is performed. We recommend a
value of 5 here.
Note in relation to the Reconnect Period and Trials:
If the Low Power Mode (LPM) timer (see Data transfer/Logging/Timers tab) expires before
the reconnection period/trials, then the wireless modem will not reset and will instead go into
sleep mode (LPM). When the wireless modem comes out of sleep mode (LPM) the previous
failures will be ignored and the counters will start again. This allows the wireless modem to
continue to perform as a data logger in a situation where there is no signal.
Disconnect socket if inactive X min
– This can be used to disconnect from your server if you
don't send data for the specified period (e.g. to save costs).
After disconnection from the server, you can still send SMS or UDP packages to the unit. To
cause it to reconnect if required, the unit must be powered or connected to an ISP (for
This feature is not useful if the sleep mode functionality is being used.
If you turn on the firewall, only IP-packets coming from the IP-addresses specified in Group A
and Group B will be responded to.