For Support Contact +46 8 25 28 75, [email protected] or +61 2 9956 7377, [email protected]
This section has settings which controls how the wireless modem communicates over the
internet with a server. There are also settings for the communication with the internal
Remote Server
IP Address 1 or 2 are addresses that can be used in several other parts of the configuration
tool. The IP address and port is entered as for IP address and port 8608. Note!
Do not enter in the format
You may need to forward the chosen port to a server behind your firewall.
ISP Dial up Login
APN sets the Access Point Name to use with the ISP connection
You can overwrite any of the available APNs if your APN does not exist in the list.
If you want to create your own list of APNs you need only create a text file with the
appropriate APNs and the select the "file open" button to the right of the topmost APN
dropdown list to load your chosen list.