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Back key
After you play a cue, pressing the Back key plays back the cue that
precedes it on the cue sheet.
For example, assume you have recorded cues one, two and three. If you
play cue one and then cue two, pressing [Back] brings up cue one again.
But, if you play cue one and then cue three, pressing [Back] will bring up
cue two because it immediately precedes cue three on the cue sheet.
Pressing [Back] after playing the first cue on the cue sheet fades all
outputs to zero.
[Back] always plays back cues in the AB fader (regardless of which fader
pair you played the cue in originally) and always uses the default fade
times regardless of recorded fade times.
Note: When you use the [Back] key the cue currently loaded in the CD
fader pair is cleared.
Clearing fader pairs
Each timed fader pair is equipped with a Clear key. To clear a cue from a
fader pair, press the appropriate clear key. Faders will clear immediately.